2013 /捷克 /剧情
主演: 马丁·胡巴 丹妮拉·科拉洛娃 JiíBábek IvanaUhlíová 扬·诺沃特尼 JaromírJaneek PavelRímsk MiroslavDonutil IvoNovák 雅罗米尔·诺塞克 DanielLanda 卡雷尔·多布雷 MiloslavMejzlik PavelBatěk
导演: Robert Sedlácek
剧情简介 : The breakthrough moments of our modern history since the founding of the Czechoslovak Republic in 1918 culminated in the collapse of the CSFR in 1992 from the point of view of their main actors. Decisions whose consequences dramatically reflected in people's lives and influenced the direction of our nation for a long time.