1948 /墨西哥 /爱情 犯罪 惊悚 悬疑 /90分钟
主演: LuisAguilar 米洛丝拉娃 SusanaCora JorgeReyes ArturoSotoRangel ManuelR.Ojeda CarlosVillarías CarlosRiquelme 弗朗西斯科·雷格拉 MarujaGrifell LuisaRooner JoséArratia DanielArroyo GuillermoBravoSosa EnedinaDíazdeLeón HéctorMateos Luis Aguilar Arturo Soto Rangel Carlos Villarías Carlos Riquelme Maruja Grifell Héctor Mateos
导演: Rolando Aguilar
剧情简介 : This is a classic mystery story. After partying hard, two friends pick up two beautiful women and spend a wonderful night with them. When they go back the next day, a neighbor shocks them by telling them that the girls had died long ago. One of the friends decides to investigate the mystery of the two dead women.